I’ve been on the road now for almost 5 months. Travel is part of the nomadic lifestyle. Before the roads and airplanes, we traveled by foot and by horse. I like to remember those days as I’m traveling in my Prius, sitting on top of a battery. I am witnessing how much the roads grow and how fast, what used to be a 2 land road is now a 6 Lane Highway; through the smoky mountains that used to be sacred mountain woods, this brings tourism, the highways and the theme parks and the restaurants and the parking lots. I have witnessed the beginning of this phenomenon in Costa Rica, where I lived an hour and a half away from any pavement, it didn’t take long after they paved the roads that they started cutting down more and more of the jungle for tourism. I contemplate that there should be things that we don’t do for money. Let’s contemplate the duality of when building cities weren’t detrimental to the planet. Let’s consider that too much of a good thing is always bad, as my grandmother told me. let’s all remember what it was like to live on a dirt road and if you do live on a dirt road, let’s find ways to protect it.
Time moves slower down a dirt road
Let’s all slow down.
Stop the pavement
protect the Earth.
I love you all.